Friday, August 10, 2012

Plushie Keychain ~ DIY

I made this kitten and bunny keychain...all by myself and all from scratch!!  :3

To make these...I kinda just went with the flow~~~and it actual turned out okay. is a tutorial!

This tutorial is of a white bear or tiger thingy from tokidoki. (This was more complicated than the kitten and bunny but not by much.)
First start with a design(look online or just create your own). This design is from tokidoki.

Next, cut out the fabric so it's easier to deal with. Make sure to have a sheet twice as long as your drawing so that you can create the back part of the plushie.

Cut our your design, making sure to leave extra space around it to sew. Be sure that they are identical or close to it.

Decide on what part will be the front and decorate. If your character needs/or you want to, you can also decorate on the other piece for the back part.
Now place the back you want to see and the front together, not forgetting a tiny loop cloth so you can attach the chain onto. Then sew around the head, leaving a opening at the bottom.

Now, flip inside out the whole thing using something blunt but small enough to help you flip out the small parts like the ears. Then start stuffing! I like to also use the fabric that I cut up so nothing goes to waste.

Sew the hole carefully and then string onto a chain and YAY you're done.

Great thing about this sewing project is that it's easy and you can learn a lot from it. I just learned that I should cut the tiger's ear smaller than how i drew it or want it to be then sew the bite shape to make it turn out better, because right looks like his whole ear is gone. xD oops

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Summer Treasure ~ Shopping

I went to Goodwill to find some pants to refashion into shorts. Sadly, since I have thunder thighs, all the pants that fit my hip or were a little bigger than my hip size were tight, and would have made really bad shorts. However, all the pants that are okay for my thighs are wayyyyyy to big for my hip T^T. Oh miserable you make my life...

But I did find some other things!

Ralph Polo T-shirt ($3.50)

Polka dot skirt ($3.50) Maybe refashion?

Green patter summer dress ($3.50) Refashion

I also went to T. J. Maxx. Now this place is not a thrift store...and not as cheap either, but sometimes I find some cheap finds there, especially with shoes since I wear size 5 or 5 1/2.
Mustard yellow flats ($7)

Luckily, I found these flats. Normally, I don't wear flats...but these were so comfortable and I always wanted to own something that was yucky mustard colored. xD I don't know why.
I also saw a pair of Converses for my size...but they were a lot ( $28 to be exact). But even though I really wanted them (I have a Converse addiction for some reason: probably because they don't look like clown shoes on my small feet) but I held myself back (especially since I have like 5 pairs x.x)

I also found this navy blue button up shirt, although it wasn't as cheap as I wished, but I convinced myself it were worth it. I really like wearing button up shirts that are slightly loose. It covers up my body and can emphasize my waist if I wear a belt. Also, if it is slightly long, I can get my torso to look a little longer.
Navy Blue Button up shirt ($8.99)

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Stuffed Animals

I love stuffed animals.
So...I'm so guilty of spending so much money on stuffed animals.
Like these two things. I don't need a snake and a dragon...but I couldn't help myself. T^T

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Organize your Life

Since school is starting soon, everybody is scrambling for school materials. But has anybody looked into any organizers? Some schools give out organizers or sell them. But i like the ones i get from my relatives in Korea. (Also they are called Scheduler instead of Organizer) Here is a sample of my scheduler/diary:

There's a calendar and a place to write about the days event and stuff.

These are some of the other free ones I have around.

Here is an example of a scheduler. Just a calendar to organize and plan your events.

 Here is an example of a scheduler/diary.
Place for a calendar and plans
as well as a place to write a diary.
But if you don't have any access to these awesome things, then just go ahead and decorate the one you have! As long as you have fun with it and it helps you plan!
P.S. having cute stickers is a lazy way to quickly add some color.
Cute animal stickers
My favorite emotion stickers: perfect for when you wanna get your emotions across but too lazy to actually draw it.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Casual + Formal ~ Re-wear

Gap blouse from 6th grade
My height now versus 5th grade is only different by 2 inches or less. So all my old clothes still fits me, although the chest area is a bit tight.

This shirt was found in Goodwill a long time ago in 7th grade. The area around the chest is still a little tight.
Blue WetSeal shirt thrifted ($3.50)

But if you combine them together, you can get a cute outfit. The chest area is widened by not buttoning the blouse all the way and only buttoning part of the top of the blue shirt.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Projects to do...

I had a random creativity explosion today. There's more drawings on the next few pages. xD This is just a picture of some of the projects I thought of. Most of them are impossible for me to do right now since I have no skills in sewing...but I hope to get there one day.

Thrift stores are the best place to find things to create projects. Even if you mess up, it wasn't a huge waste of money! is my loot from Goodwill.

Charlotte Russe skirt ($3.50)

American Eagle shorts ($3.50)
I plan to lengthen the skirt. It's a wee bit too short and I don't know if you are suppose to wear it with tights, but tights + me = disastrous legs. The blue shirt will be refashioned (recycle fashion - use old clothes again) with a shirt I had in middle/high school. The shorts are fine as they are! Yay!

Now this is a child's purse that I have had with me since 2nd grade. I loved it and thought it was cute so I just looked at it- hence- it is still pretty new and rather clean. I think I'll change it into a cute purse with a longer strap so I can use it.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Digital Perm

My hair had always been treated the same way, straight magic perm. I wanted curls but since I had a round face, I believed and was advised that curls would make my hair bushier and my face rounder.

However, I decided to go ahead with it one day. It wasn't bad at all. In fact, I love it. So - ha - hair stylist and fashion tip freaks. Maybe ignoring the rule book is great once in a while.